Another character for my friend. He's some sort of asian swordsman dude who uses three swords. I feel like I want to take a different approach to these next time. I feel like I spend a lot of time with general poses to get a feel for the character. But at the same time it kind of limits my design from the beginning. Posing to me seems like something I'd rather use to make a poster or some shit. What do you guys think? More graphic and line studies in the beginning?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Form Study
So I tried to do a figure study. Used a lot of reference, and painted in highlights based on where each muscle was. Somewhat successful, but please feedback is appreciated. Hope I can get better at characters.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Paintover for Kevin
Yo, so I originally did a paintover of Kevin's female figure. I dont'know if any of you all saw it, but it was pretty terrible. So I re-did it. Here's the updated version. So basically, I took Kevin's design and re-interpretted but with proportion, anatomy, gesture integrated. I tried experimenting with color a little too. For the cast shadows, I added a little green just to hint a little bounced light. I'm still not too happy with how this came out though. I can't figure out what's wrong with it. I think the colors might be unbalanced, too much saturation coupled with not enough in some areas perhaps. If you all have suggestions, by all means say them. btw, this took about 3 hours to do. Anyway, man. I can't stress it enough. Learn anatomy!
Speed to kinda Finished (Cont) - 2 hours
Here's a Continuation from last week. I used another one of the random silhouettes I painted to come up with this dude.
Monday, July 11, 2011
More speed paintings (45 minutes each)
So I spent the first 15 minutes using a brush I've never used, listening to some bomb ass music and closing my eyes. Whatever shapes came out is what I painted. Not quite how I want them to be, but it's a good experimenting start. Let me know what you guys think.
Ryan's Paintover
Yo Ryan! Glad to see you're posting! Yeah man, so Kevin did a pretty good job of critiquig your work. So rather than just repeat him, I just did a paint-over to point out some of the things kevin mentioned. So like Kevin said, I moved the focal point over to the side, rather than in the middle. First of all I stretched your canvas out a little, cuz it needed some breathing space. Looking at your design, I thought, it looked like a mayan pyramid sort of design, so I just defined the design a little bit more, and I repeated that pyramid shape in the background to add depth , and also to add interest in the background, rather than just have it be empty. I also added indications of stone pillars in the foreground that get smaller towards the focal point to add direction and draw the viewer in. And i made the dude little smaller just to make the pyramid look more epic! Other than that, it's just cleaning up some lines. This isnt by any means a finished painting, it's a really quick dirty paint-over just to indicate what improvements I think could be done. And this took me about an 1 1/2 hours to do, which is actually a bit long. But otherwise man, it was looking pretty good for your first post. The more you do this the more you'll learn the guidelines (most of which Kevin already mentioned), and the easier this will be. You best be posting more stuff man.!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
30 minute speed paintings
Trying stuff out, experimenting with brushes. I'm not happy with the way my value set ups are starting to look identical to each other. Next batch I'm going to try to break it up. And the panda was supposed to be chillin, but he just looks dead. haha so fail.

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Speed Paintings to Finished Paintings
Here are my final paintings for Red Engine. Each took about 3-4 hours total to do.
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Last Assignment + Speed Painting
I didn't forget about your last comment Jeff. haha. This was already in the works so I didn't want to scrap it. The second painting is a 20 min speedpainting about knights. Let the experimenting begin!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Some Paintings
Here are some paintings I've been doing lately for my classes. Appreciate any feedback.
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
My Art Blog
Yo, so I'm starting my own personal art blog for finalized pieces. I'm still just testing it out so it's not yet finished. Appreciate it if you all check it out and provide any feedback. I'll be updating as much as I can:
Monday, June 6, 2011
Technical Comps
Using three different techniques, collage, silouettes, and texture painting create a forest, ice, and desert composition. Where you at Geoff?
Sci Fi Lab Maya Model
Here's my final for my Maya class. We were suppose model an interior. I still want to finish this up somemore (maybe in Photoshop).
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Color Comps
Here are some color comps I worked on this week. Next week, we're suppose to take two of these and take them to a finished level. Appreciate any suggestions.
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Jeffrey Bounthavong
Monday, May 30, 2011
Entertainment Design Wk 1 and 2 (Paint-Overs)
Yo man, I did some really quick paint-overs to show the revisions I would make to your paintings.
For ths painting, I brought the objects in closer and I added a sunset in the middle to fill up the space. I also added a little min-bar to the right to give the painting some interest and life. Plus I added more details and I added more contrast to punch up the sunset.
The original painting you had lacked hiearchy, so I adjusted the perpsective to bring the blue pods with the guy climbing up the ladded to the foreground. I also pushed back the green glowy light to added some depth.
These are just some really quick revsions I'd make. I hope these help.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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