Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Color Experiment

Sup guys, sorry haven't posted in a while.  Not really a finished piece just wanted to test out some colors.  My absolute fucking weakness.  Let me know what you think.



  1. I don't know too much about color myself. But from a composition stand-point, I think it's interesting. I like the way the architecture pops out against the lighter background (green against the red). The architecture itself is interesting, but it seems too loose. I think you need to play around more with your brushes. The architecture looks like they were done using one type of brush. I think it needs some texture and some structure - right now it looks like you were referencing from something roughed out in sculpy. I think you might benefit from trying a more stylized approach, like a more exaggerated cartoony style. I thihk that will help you focus less on detail and more on unique shapes, color, and value. Because right now it seems you're trying to detail it but just don't know how. My advice, forget detail- just block out some cool shapes, block out the values, and block out some colors.

  2. yea i know what you mean. It looks like I spent time painting a background, then i just slapped the city in there with no thought in it. And it shows no depth what so ever. I'll try a more stylized thing for my next attempt. Thanks.

  3. After looking at this again (and at your other paintings) I'd have to say that I actually like how unafraid you are with color. From a distance it really stands out. They're really rich and opaque (maybe almost too opaque). Other than that, I can't really offer any other advice, because I really don't know too much about color myself. So just re-stating myself, the one quality I see in all your paintings is that you're definitely bold with laying out color.
