Friday, August 8, 2014

Environment Design Final

Sup guys,

Here's my environment design final with Brian Yam.  I don't know if I'd recommend this class.  It was kinda show and bullshit.  The teacher is good, but he doesn't demo very much.  Also my classmates for this term were slackers and shitty.  It was hard to get motivated to do anything.  Anyways, here's the final along with a bullshit assignment with the world's shittiest teammate.  Jeff you know him haha Mr Egypt!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice man! You'll need to share with me what you learned from that class. Seems like you covered some pretty practical stuff. I liked the 3d stuff you did like the drug lab and computer table. Those paintings look legit. That middle painting of the temple looks pretty cool, but a bit generic, with the whole giant path that leads to a structure in the distance with atmospheric lighting... (problem with taking courses at CDA and Red Engine). Yeah, I still haven't personally found an instructor/course that teaches environment paintings effectively, at least for me. It's like you said, a lot of it is just show. Practice and exposure is probably the only real answer. We'll need to share some notes one of these days.
