Friday, December 24, 2010

Speed Paintings Attempt

So I started doing 15-20 minute speed paintings of random pics I find from my trips.  These are some from Peru, Ecuador, and Thailand.  It seems much easier to get off my lazy ass when I just tell myself, I'll only paint for 10 minutes, then I'll play something.  haha.  I'm hoping to start doing at least one or two a day when I'm too lazy to work on bigger things. 



  1. man, i wrote this long-ass comment, and it didn't get posted for some reason. i'll try to repeat myself. i think you would benefit alot from experimenting with custom brushes. like for the rock formations, i would create a rock brush. and for the shrubs i would create a leaf brush then paint to create small pockets of shrubs and turn those into brushes, and so on. What that will do, i think, is not only give your paintings more texture, but also allow you to paint much faster. you've got good shapes blocked in, i think quickly giving them texture would add alot to the paintings.

  2. Yea man. I just started. I had a whole bunch of custom brushes that I got from other people, and I found myself using the same few everytime. So I deleted all of them and have begun making them all my own. More texturing in the future for sure.
